The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, has urged youths to stay away from illicit drugs and have focus as leaders of tomorrow.

Chairman, of the Anti-drug agency, Buba Marwa gave the advice during a thanksgiving service at the National Christian Centre, NCC, in commemoration of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking or World Drug Day, WDD, in Abuja. 2024 theme is, “Evidence is Clear; Invest in Prevention”.

Marwa, who was represented by the agency’s Secretary, Shadrach Haruna, noted that the theme is timely, adding that the NDLEA is doing its best in preventing drug abuse and illicit trafficking across the country.

He stressed that the 2024 WDD main message was prevention, noting that youths need to say no to drug abuse, and this is where prevention comes in, noting that the NDLEA was doing a lot to invest in prevention.

Marwa also emphasised that the Church and the Mosque were involved as part of ways to carry the messages of ensuring that people shun drugs.

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